
Subscribe to the American Civil
War Research database

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Frequently asked questions

About the database



WELCOME to HDS' American Civil War Research Database - the only relational database of its kind that lets you personalize the American Civil War and share the experiences of over 4.2 million soldiers. Using sophisticated database and retrieval software, the military records for the combatants can be examined on an individual basis. Please take a minute and read what our subscribers have to say about the Database.

What the Civil War Research Database is:
  • A tool for the statistical analysis of the Civil War on a company and regimental basis
  • Significant war period events in the life of the soldiers
  • A springboard for additional study of the American Civil War
  • A database that will continue to expand
  • A best effort for minimizing data inaccuracies
What the Civil War Research Database is not:
  • Complete - we continue to add to it
  • A complete genealogy on every soldier
  • Error free

The following tour screens are taken from the subscriber access areas of this site and represent some of the features, data elements and queries available within the Database.

First and foremost, the Database is a research tool. When used to its fullest it can help the subscriber uncover new and unexplored areas for research and further study. If you haven't already done so take a minute now and read a few subscriber comments about the Civil War Research Database and its value as a research tool. For an example of how the Database can help broaden your understanding of the Civil War we recommend you begin your tour with the research section which highlights various charts and graphs (never available before) that make the Database a one-of-a-kind research tool for the expert and novice alike!

If you prefer you may also start this tour at the regiment or, soldier(all three sections are available only with the Annual Subscription), or genealogy(available with the Visitor Pass or Annual Subscription) levels.

The regiment tour includes detail information for regimental comparisons, regimental rosters, assignments, casualty analysis by battle fought, historical overview, and regimental combat effectiveness calculated by combining regimental casualty analysis, soldier entry/exit rates and battle experience. The soldier tour follows a soldier through the war and includes information about the regiments he served and in many instances information about his home town.

The genealogy tour is a limited access program for people interested only in the military record content of the Database.

Tours Available:
Research Demo
Soldier Demo
Regiment Demo
Genealogy Demo