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Demonstration System Instructions

Tours Available:
Soldier Demo
Regiment Demo
Data Available to Guests:
Personnel Directory
Officer Directory

You may choose from either a guided tour of our database starting at the soldier level or at the regiment level, or a sample of our database's personnel offerings.

The tour screens are taken from the member access areas of this website. They represent the types of data and queries available. At the top of each screen there is a tour subject box in which you will find information about that particular tour screen as well as navigation buttons to move to the next subject. In some cases you may be asked to click on a link in the demonstration page itself.

You may start this tour at the regiment level or the soldier level. The regiment tour lets you follow a regiment through the conflict, watching the casualties suffered, the battles fought, the organizational structure, etc. The soldier tour examines the experience of an individual soldier -- how he enlisted, what promotions were awarded, any wounds he received, as well as personal information.

The Personnel and Officer Directories give you a glimpse of the personnel records in the database. The directories allow you to determine whether a particular soldier's information has been entered into the database yet. (The Officer Directory contains personnel who achieved a rank of Brigadier General or higher; all other personnel may be found in the Personnel Directory.)